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Monday, 2 September 2013

GMO Foods you should Avoid


What are GMO foods?  

A genetically modified organism is produced in a lab by taking the genes from one species and inserting them into another species to achieve a desired trait.  Viruses and bacteria are used to infect animal or plant cells with the new DNA.  Although no research on humans has shown detrimental effects from eating GMO foods, many studies on animals have shown immune damage, pre-cancerous cell growth and other unexplained abnormalities.
1. CORN - is the leading genetically modified crop in the U.S and Canada.
2. SOY - 90% of soy is engineered to be resistant to Roundup
3. SUGAR - since 2009, modified beets have been used to make beet sugar
4. ASPARTAME - not only is it toxic but mad from genetically modified bacteria
5. CANOLA - is made from rapeseed which is one of the most chemically modified and     adapted oils.
6. PAPAYAS - this wonderful fruit is exported from Hawaii and is genetically modified to be resistant to the Ring spot virus; they are banned from all European countries.
7. Zucchini and Yellow squash - most are modified to resist viruses.
8. Dairy - imported from the U.S. 1/5 of all dairy cows are injected with growth hormones produced by Monsanto - Drink only organic or plant-based organic such as Silk Brand Soy milk.

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