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Monday, 20 May 2013

The Truth about Statin Drugs

Statins work by blocking the enzyme in you liver that is responsible for producing cholesterol.  But they also block your CoQ10 production; a dangerous side effect.
Million of people over 45 are taking statins. statins are one of the most dangerous and unnecessary drugs being prescribed.  Yes, they can lower your cholesterol levels making it appear as though they're improving your health. But they aren't because cholesterol is essential to your body and crucial for vital functions. It is also the precursor for such hormones as vitamin D.
Cholesterol is NOT the cause of heart disease.  As a matter of fact, statin use can lower it to dangerous levels which can actually put you at higher risk of health problems.
Many other health issues can manifest after taking statins and users often believe these problems are new health conditions even though they are often associated with the use of cholesterol drugs.
There are over 900 studies showing the adverse effects of these drugs including:
Muscles pain and weakness, Sexual dysfunction, Anemia, Cognitive loss, Cataracts and many more.
Statins can also cause Diabetes by increasing your insulin levels and by raising your blood sugar.  It can also promote belly fat, high blood pressure, heart attacks, chronic fatigue, thyroid problems and diseases such Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and cancer.
If you take statins, you NEED to supplement with CoQ10 because statins deplete your CoQ10 production.  This is probably one of the most dangerous side effects.  CoQ10 is an important coenzyme produced in the liver and is essential for cellular energy production.  Your heart and other organs need it to function properly.
CoQ10 deficiency also speeds up DNA damage which leads to fatigue, muscle weakness, soreness and heart failure.
I highly recommend supplementing with CoQ10, in the form of Ubiquinol, if you're using statins.
Here's a simple tool, developed by Dr. Mercola, to help you stay informed on the side effect of statins; the Statin Quiz widget.



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