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Friday, 5 July 2013

Top Sun Safety Myths Debunked

Why you should soak up the summer sun, shamelessly

Summer is finally here! And so is the heated debate… Is it safe to bathe in the rays of the summer sun or should we all take shelter? And what about sun screen?

Consider this. All life developed and thrives under natural sun exposure. Ultraviolet-B rays (or UVB) from sunlight are the most effective, abundant and natural source of Vitamin D; a hormone that is involved in more than 300 reactions in the human body. 

Sunlight is a source of health and healing.  It’s an essential nutrient; you need it for a healthy life so don’t avoid the sun - embrace it! Some benefits of sunshine include:

- Helps to increase sex hormones and boost immune system

- Strengthens bones and muscles, protecting you from osteoporosis

- Lowers blood pressure and blood sugar, which can lower your risk of hear disease,            diabetes, arthritis, Parkinson's and MS
- Beneficial for skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and acne

- Improves mood and relieves depression

Myth #1: Sun exposure causes skin cancer.
The biggest risk for skin cancer is having fair skin – whether you use sunscreens or not and there is no substantial evidence that sunscreen protects from skin cancer. 
Melanoma usually appears in areas not exposed to the sun.  Sam Shuster, MD, specialist in dermatology, says that melanoma occurrence decreases with greater sun exposure and can increase with the use of sunscreens. 
Myth #2: Sunlight causes other types of cancer.
Reducing exposure to solar radiation may actually have the opposite effect.  Sunlight actually produces immunity to cancer and research has found that cities in the northern latitudes had 150% more cancer than those in southern latitudes. 
Recent studies have found that the more sun exposure the less breast, colon, ovary, lung and prostate cancer along with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and 7 others.
Myth #3: You must layer on the sunscreen.
Sunscreens appear to increase chances of getting melanoma and intensify your risk of developing vitamin D deficiency diseases.  An SPF of 8 reduces UVB penetration by 98% and essentially eliminates vitamin D production.  A review of studies led researchers to state: Epidemiological studies suggest that sunscreen use is associated with an increased risk of melanoma.
Myth #4: You should avoid sunlight.
Because your skin makes Vitamin D only when you’re exposed to sunlight it is imperative that you get enough, unprotected, sunlight on a regular basis.  Not washing for at least 4 to 6 hours after exposure is also important to allow the completion of the process. If you bathe too soon the Vitamin D doesn’t have time to react with the oils in your skin.
Use common sense.  Our bodies will respond by developing a tan to a greater or lesser degree.  Take it slow so your skin won’t burn; everything in moderation.
- Excerpts taken from Healthy Living Report; Ted Koren D.C., &


























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